Being a mother is the most complex task and requires great knowledge on how babies are handled.
While we may think babies know nothing, they actually know a lot.
As a mother (or even a father), you are charged with the responsibility to take care of your baby.
Here are 5 things you shouldn't do to your baby;
1. Let them cry for a long time
Letting your baby cry for long is a big mistake especially when you are around them and they can see you.
This causes distress to them which can in turn affect their emotional development.
Attend to your baby when he/she cries,avoid ignoring them.
2. Leave them alone
Babies just like grown ups need attention for their mental development.
Always be around your baby when you are not busy or held up with something.
Besides babies can roll and fall when left alone.
3. Shaking them when they cry
It is not recommended that you shake your baby when they cry.
This might pose health hazards. Shaken Baby Syndrome which is caused by shaking of the brain.
Blindness is another development risk associated with shaking babies.
4. Slapping them when they cry
When your baby is crying and you feel angry with them, don't slap them on the buttocks or hands.
What you should do is look them in the face and talk to them with a sweet voice.
Beating a crying baby is so wrong.
5. Not letting them burp after feeding
Babies must be made to burp after meals. This lets them release gases that are produced by the stomach during meals.
If these gases are not released, the baby might be uncomfortable and cry all along.